Month: January 2023

Asking AI ( to write a screenplay for “Not in My Nightmare”

Here is the screenplay that AI wrote in response to my request

"Not in My Nightmare"

(Opening shot of a dark, stormy night. We see a young woman, JESSICA, lying in her bed, tossing and turning. She wakes up with a start, covered in sweat. She gets up and walks over to the window, staring out into the night. We hear a voiceover from JESSICA)

JESSICA (V.O.) I've been having this nightmare for weeks now. Every night, it's the same thing. I'm trapped in a dark, endless maze, and I can't find my way out. I'm scared, alone, and I don't know what to do.

(We see JESSICA walk to her bathroom and splash some water on her face. She looks at herself in the mirror)

JESSICA (V.O.) I can't take it anymore. I need to find a way to end this nightmare once and for all.

(We see JESSICA leave her apartment and walk down the street. She stops in front of a small store that specializes in dream analysis. She hesitates for a moment, then enters the store)

(Inside the store, JESSICA meets with a DREAM ANALYST, an older woman who is experienced in interpreting dreams. JESSICA explains her nightmare to the Dream Analyst)

DREAM ANALYST It sounds like you are experiencing a lot of fear and uncertainty in your life. The dark maze in your dream represents the confusion and sense of being lost that you feel in your waking life.

JESSICA But what can I do about it? How can I stop having this nightmare?

DREAM ANALYST There are a few things you can try. One is to try to confront your fears in your waking life. Sometimes, facing our fears can help us overcome them in our dreams. Another is to change the ending of the dream. Instead of feeling trapped and lost, try to imagine finding a way out of the maze and feeling victorious.

(JESSICA leaves the store, determined to try the Dream Analyst's advice)

(We see JESSICA in her apartment, lying in bed. She closes her eyes and begins to drift off to sleep. We see her in the dark maze again, but this time, she is determined to find a way out. She turns a corner and sees a light in the distance. She starts running towards the light, and as she gets closer, we see that it's a door. She reaches the door and opens it, stepping out into the bright sunlight. She looks around and sees that she's free. She turns around and looks back at the maze, now small and insignificant behind her. She raises her arms in triumph)
(JESSICA wakes up, smiling. We hear her voiceover again)

JESSICA (V.O.) I did it. I faced my fears and found my way out of the nightmare. I finally feel free.

(Closing shot of JESSICA standing at her window, looking out into the bright morning. The storm has cleared, and the sun is shining. She turns and walks back to her bed, ready to face whatever the day brings)


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