Count Me In!

This cèilidh of dreams is spreading out, its ripples catching others. You’ll know if you are “bewitched, enthralled, transported." As I am! Listen to this extraordinary claim: “Thanks to Xhactu, this was the deepest interactive, psychic contact ever, between aliens and humans; and the humans—despite their legendary pride—were better off for it.” This cèilidh of dreams has taken us to the Origin of everything—a gift from the alien. The Origin, the vortex, the spiral! Everything swirling and emerging from this vortex is inceptive, world-forming. Space-words, hard as granite, endowing each of us with our unique destiny: “I was ‘inside’ that space-word, or encompassed by it, or consisted of it, or whatever. And my name means something!” Are we thus meant to reach back to this origin of us in order to heal something so deep, so primal, so long-forgotten, in order to recover who we truly are? 

This chapter will continue to work on me. Generative questions are already flowing in new directions for me to follow, to speak, to articulate. In this manner I may find out who I always-already am. Immediately the memory of a poem comes. I wrote it several decades ago. I now read it into this cèilidh of dreams:

and so you come to me

and so you come to me
in joyful celebration of reunion
i gaze at your naked body
you change from young woman
to a young man and back again
i burst out in a startled joyous cry
o you are androgynous

licking my face
you become all tongue
wet warm
filling my senses 

 i am the object of your desire

 now as i lie fully aroused
you tell of a meteor falling
through the sky towards earth
i see it as you so tell me
seeing and telling merge into one
image and word as one

you tell me quite clearly
in my arousal
in the fullness of my passion 

what profound mystery is this my sister?
is my passionate arousal
necessary preparation
of readiness
a bow strung tautly
pulled back further and further
arrow of consciousness notched quickly

am i then to follow its unerring path
leaving the quivering bow behind
flying free in the blue sky
of ecstatic vision
where you live
where you speak
in the clear language of visionary forms?

meteor falling
towards the earth
burning red
leaving a trail of dark burning fire
arcing through the sky

this vision
your sacred speech
my star sister

i will remember
you have told me something sacred
left me in deep wonder
what kind of speech what words
form a fiery meteor arcing through the sky
with immense crackling power?

i will do my work now
my beloved star sister
you have done yours
to prepare the vessel

from the taut quivering of the bow
to the unerring flight of the arrow
to the target
a new world may thus be entered
a world of vast distance
crackling furnaces of fire
tremendous forces
of sheer titanic creation 

a world of your speech
your word
where you speak me 

into existence