Long Raven Haiku for Tony … A poem by Paco

Long Raven Haiku for Tony

by Paco Mitchell

I watched a raven

On the parapet today

Solve the wind problem


If he walks in line

With the parapet, the wind

Will blow him over.


But he cannot drop

Through the dense, whipping branches

As on calmer days.


Today, he has to

Do the “parapet sidestep,”

As ravens call it


What is that? you say.

Yes, the “parapet sidestep”—

Beak facing the wind!


Ravens are not dumb.

By facing the howling wind—

He keeps his balance.


Wind whips the branches

And he can’t attain his goal:

Reach the suet block.


What’s his solution?

I just told you what it is:

Face the howling wind.


Or get blown over.

It’s a simple choice, for birds,

When it comes to wind.


They know what they are

Doing. Reach the suet block.

The wind is their friend.


Sidestep, if you must,

They will say to anyone.

But don’t let the wind


Get the best of you.

Sidestepping is no come-down—

For Masters of Wind!