Detective Work: CD-38, 4

In the spirit of detectives approaching a mystery, let’s gather some clues that drop from this latest episode of CD 38-Scene 4: 

Owl Man: Have no fear, my friends. The crows are seeding our future, and I believe it will have something to do with our modus operandi, our writing, our authoring, and our telling what needs telling. And that includes you, Chip. I can't be sure but that is my best sense. And now, I suggest we close our eyes and welcome whatever the crows have in mind for us as their gift from Dead Mountain, as they complete their fateful marching and return to their cloud.

Crows are of course oracles, birds of seers. Remember the crippled boy seer in Game of Thrones? He became a three-eyed crow and could overcome the arrow of linear time. The detective method I privilege here is based on noticing or being drawn to the anomaly and allowing connections to take place between anomalies. So, as soon as I read Owl Man’s enigmatic prophesying above, a memory guided me to another passage way back in Fex and Coo. But then a puff of wind drew me to another passage, several actually, occurring much earlier. So I had some busy moments gathering all these clues together:

Helen… resembled a prophetic bird/you’re looking down from above because you are birds/dive through the tunnel of the bird’s throat/we were surrounded by hundreds, even thousands, of birds/the birds were issuing a warning/they were saying that everything is melting, that we should be preparing for a phase of total liquifaction.

These few memory clues are echoes of a unrevealed mystery, much like—whoops, another one just flew in so I get out my detective’s magnifying glass (now called the “spotlight search function”). I remembered my work with Walter Benjamin who

gathered fragments to himself in such a way as to reveal the hidden thread linking them and placing them uniquely in this historical moment. In this way the shattered meaning underlying the fragmentation in our modern life could be revealed to the flâneur… (from my book Making New Worlds)

Benjamin seems to be a detective too! 

Drawing back for a moment, I survey the “crime” scene. These clues, being oracles, hint at a crime as yet in the future or AS A FUTURE, producing all these clues in our present, often appearing as anomalies in regularity. Something yet to happen has already left us clues, sensed by the birds, and other animals of course. And it constitutes a crime. The clues keep gathering, like birds—the conference of the birds, of course! But what crime is yet to be committed? Could it be in the nature of mystery itself to be a crime? I quickly consult my dictionary for another clue. “Against the law” leaps out. This clue must now join the others. So mystery breaks the Law! Laws describe the regularities of space-time. Vladimir Solovyov describes the fundamental law of our current space-time (materialism):

Impenetrability in time, by power of which every successive moment of existence does not preserve the preceding one within itself, but excludes it ....
Impenetrability in space, by power of which two parts of matter (two bodies) cannot at the same time occupy the one and same place. 

Anomalies are the statistical outliers, easy to ignore for the sake of regularity—that is, until they accumulate, or avalanche. They become our clues to the as-yet uncommitted crime.  Through them, mystery begins to reveal itself to the careful detective and to force itself on the unprepared. Mystery is against the Law and there is no going back…

The fundamental Law of our time, as described by Solovyov is the "cause" of the syntactical structure of our language and the root of all all our cultural practices, as well as the originator of our very self-definition. If it is successfully challenged by an accumulation of anomalies, then the entire Western culture goes under.

The Law of materialism is assailed on all sides by anomalies which are at the same time clues to the emerging Mystery.

See: The Coming Guest: Fountain Mouth

The birds prophesy “a phase of total liquefaction”. The ultimate Law breaker is upon us and...