“Nausoleum” — Daniel’s Neologism

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your contribution of the neologism, “nausoleum.” Like Estela’s, I like yours too. I can already see that, little by little, if we keep at this, we might be able to string these “entangled” neologisms together, perhaps to see a bit more clearly what is only dimly visible at present. Who knows what they will reveal in the longer run?

For now we can practice greeting the sparks that presage the Coming Guest, by saying:

“The ecotastrophic psychotrauma of this nausoleum that we are rapidly bringing about on earth, as we flail about in our liebestraüme (plural), does not appear to be something that we can correct with any of the antiquacious ways of doing things. We need more novelinguini, aka linguino-novellae, in a word, more neologisms.”

When I think of "zombies" or the "undead," frankly, I think of ghoulish politicians shambling across the public scene today, mugging for the cameras — their teeth bloody and fang-like, their faces half-rotted, etc. You know: zombies!

Many thanks, Daniel.
