Willie bel Kaibu

One Response to Willie bel Kaibu

  1. ralockhart says:

    Here is a comment by Marrilee Beckman:

    Here are some are random thoughts & flashes regarding your dream & poem:

    First the dream felt “monumentally important” & featured a NAME. Names have an inherently strong numinous character. A name can take the place of a person. We can act in someone else’s name, even “in the name of God” or the “name of the law”. The word name has kinship with numen L. a spiritual force or influence; the mystery; a name is filled with the presence of the sacred. In the ancient world it was magical. I’m thinking of Isis tricking Ra into telling her his real name, and then she can take on his powers. A name carries our identity.

    WILLIE = The letter L initializes the most important things in the universe: life, love, laughter, liberty, learning. And when it occurs with the mysterious letter W it creates a sound that evokes a howling wolf, or someone wily and woeful. Add the high-pitched ie and you get something more approachable, even friendly. The name Willie Loman in Miller’s DEATH OF A SALESMAN was carefully chosen to make this point. All WL people share a common belief that tomorrow will be better. It also flashed on me that in the UK boys call their penises “willies”. IE at the end of a name is diminutive, fitting for the child. Not all Bobbies or Bobs want to grow up and take on their Robert personas. But this could also be an expression that Willie (and all he carries) is just beginning his life ‘out here’ in our world.

    BEL = isn’t “bella” Italian for beautiful? And EL is one of the 2 oldest god names there are and means “radiance”, the radiance of the heavens.

    BU = B is brash and unyielding, like the beating of a big bass drum. B carries the powerful tones associated with all things booming.

    Beauty is a radiance that attracts our attention. The beautiful radiance of a pregnant mother; someone who has just fallen in love; a 90 year old woman whose eyes and smile radiate her soul’s radiance, etc.

    U, on the other hand, heralds the unique, unusual, unexpected and uncommon — & is relatively new in the English alphabet. U often expresses emotion, especially if its unpleasant : ugh, ugly, ulcer, uppity, usurp, urine, uh-oh, upset . People with names start with U score higher on the scale of emotional intelligence, aren’t afraid of the shadow, have the uncommon ability to solve complex problems, are right-brained and more often found in the arts than the sciences. Their approach to life is uncommonly creative and non-mainstream.

    I was wondering if “Kai” is Greek for “and”? Bel AND Bu, similar to Fex and Coo.

    In your poem:

    1) there is a HALL (for transition?) Willie walks down.

    2) In this hall he turns LEFT (toward what is still unconscious to us?) in order to reach the door he seeks.

    3) Once he arrives at the door he can’t just barge in. He must (as Jesus says in the Gospels) KNOCK.

    4) And there is a precise # here. He must ritually knock this 3x. This made me look up Marie Louise von Franz’ book NUMBER & TIME. (I wondered if this were cheating because I’m looking at symbolism here & you want to stay away from that.) But the title of ch. 6 is:

    The Number Three as Rhythmic Configuration of Progressive Actualizations in Human Consciousness and the Material Realm.

    Three is the symbol of a dynamic process. In myths and fairy tales the hero constantly encounters threes as persons, places, or situations “to indicate the dynamic flow of events”. In that case Willie’s ritual 3 knocks — creating a threefold rhythm — allows this AFTERTIME to emerge in time-space, or consciousness.

    5) He is told to WAIT. The AFTERTIME will find him — come to him. He is not to try to open the door himself. Which indicates there is a timing in this process — a further readying of the recipient by putting him in an open, receptive mode.

    He is exempted from Newname. This reminds me of the metaphor or reincarnation when the person receives new identities with new names each time they cycle through.

    He is excused from Newlife — which I take to be a new life in the old system or dynamic. The one that is crumbling under the final Ragnarok.

    And in these two things the being interrogating him declares him SPECIAL. But he protests. He doesn’t experience himself as special. I wondered if that meant he doesn’t have an ego — at least not the kind of left-brained, powerfully individualistic ego modern man boasts, that is such a part of all our problems. Will that kind of ego fragment in the Aftertime? Just as the magical-mythic ego did in the face of it?

    Willie is told he IS special precisely because he is so PARTICULAR. Particular how? Is it all in his name? Willie seems to be a new creature that isn’t part of our milieu. In some ways he feels like your doppelgänger. Are there more Willie bel kaibu’s coming in? Is he a mutation in our genes?

    As the old woman collecting her medicinals in the forest tells Colum, “Pay attention to the flux!” The nature of the universe is flux, change, metamorphosis. Is it looking for more Willies to break through? It’s so important to knock. But then it’s also crucial to wait, gestate, allow.

    Whoever Willie is he can’t be a repetition of what has been. We need to transmogrify into a species who can handle a life that has become too complex for our current state.

    The name seems to bring together in a loosely formed & held formation of a new creature — one able to live in the 4th dimension perhaps? Something outside our range of ordinary human experience. What comes after the domination of linear time? What in heaven’s name is AFTERTIME?!

    Willie bel kaibu has a synergy and momentum that shot him into your dream with a sense of monumental importance, and through you out here. Does he reside here now like a weight of stardust? Is he communicating some kind of strange, new essence? From what landscape does Willie arise? Why has he chosen Russ for his representation? He needs representation. It’s an illusion that we live in a place that’s visible. Only 5% of what we see can even be called matter — made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Beneath all that is vibration. And beneath that ?????

    The superconscious radiance of Willie BEL is flowing into molecular world-stuff through you. Why is Willie seeking you out? Is it because of that very particular, special medium that is your mind as a meeting ground to bring through the future and the ever present now?

    It makes me shiver to think we’re all here by a hair’s breadth — and the whole planet reconstructs itself daily.

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