A dream scene

The old man tapped his cane three times before he took a step and then three times again for the next step. In this way, stooped and bent, and hands shaking a bit, he made progress, slow but sure, to the librarian's desk. He tipped his red beret to the young women standing there watching him. She smiled in greeting and asked if she could help him.

"Yes," he said. "I'm in need of a book."
"Well," she replied, I hope we have what you are looking for. What is the title?"
"I know longer remember it, nor the author, but it is exactly the book I need now."
"Well then, do you recall what it is about?"
"Well, I have an image that's clear, but I can't seem to get the words to describe it."
"If you close your eyes, can you see it?"
"Yes, I can see it."
"Maybe you don't need a book."
"Why do you say that? You are a librarian."
"But sometimes, the book you need is not yet written. Perhaps your seeking the book is a way to find that you are the author. Could that be?"


One Response to A dream scene

  1. Daniel Burke says:

    Wonderfully timed! The moment I clicked onto the site I had the image in mind of myself hobbling down to the doctor’s office tomorrow using a cane – I m being seen about a foot injury. Must keep writing – thanks for the reminder Russ.


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