Not In My Nightmare Sc. 5: Twisting!

We are able to explore the quantum world because of one amazing technological development—the refinement of physical matter. The famous double-slit experiment only works with widths of the the order of a millionth of a meter and with lasers capable of outputting one wavelength of light. We could create matter fine enough to be responsive to mathematical functions (diodes). Now we can refine our material instruments to measure gravity waves. At this scale of technological refinement, matter behaves oddly as both immaterial/material aspects of matter show up in experiment. Fex and Coo, along with this Scene 5, is bringing us the news that there is a level or as I say, a threshold, where we human beings become a new kind of refined matter, having qualities both immaterial/material, like light, and we thus behave in a quantum manner. Technology has simulated this soul phenomenon of the threshold. The experienced reality of such quantum goings-on at the threshold is weird enough, can even make you go mad at times. Here is a dream of this “madness”:

We were getting terrorized by something. Slowly I began to see flickers in the black night, shapes. There were aliens in the sky above us. I saw a stealth spaceship, black as the night itself, hovering above our house. It seems these aliens are people from our own future, quite close future. Having discovered how to dissociate people they were experimenting with how to put them together again, this of course would solve the problem of space travel. However, they were experimenting by somehow sending the results of their trials back to our time as our children and watching as they grew up to see how they turned out. A lot of present day children with missing organs, catastrophic ailments, monstrous shapes etc., are the results of this experiment of the future.

Can you feel the twisting, turning inside-out nature of this dream? We have been born in a time where temporal cause-effect rules our identity—we are who we are today due to past causes. And here is a dream turning that notion inside-out. We are who we are today because of experiments taking place in the near future. After that dream I was turned inside-out. It takes years to get comfortable with such thinking and to change one’s perceptions of the Real. But I know now with a certainty that certain diseases (in my case skin disease) are the result of of a yet-to-be future expressing itself now on the outside in present reality. In other words my “catastrophic ailment” was a result of an experiment "in" our imminent future, just as my dream says. 

I remember giving a warning waaaay back in Jul 2021 re: Fex and Coo.

Perhaps a breadcrumb or two that may be of interest to readers, as the plot “thickens”. Pay attention to verb tenses like this one: “I’ve never met Fex before in my life. At least not before later today.” Let it gently twist your mind in preparation for what is to come. You will need a gently twisted mind…

This temporal turning inside-out is exactly what Owl Man does in scene 5 in this dialogue with Heron Man:

OM: Why is it Heron, that you dream of Helen tonight?

HM: Long ago, you mean?

OM:No. Tonight, Heron. Tonight. You dreamed of Helen tonight.

HM: But, Owl, it's not even night yet. What are you talking about? You're not making any sense. 

OM: Well, it must be night and it is your dream somewhere because I know it, here, and now. It's your dream Heron and it pictures Helen waving with her hand for you to come to her. 

HM: But how can you be knowing my dream when I haven't even had it yet?

Owl Man NOW reports a dream that Heron man WILL have that night: “But how can you be knowing my dream when I haven't even had it yet?” says Heron Man. Yes, twisting the mind!

Now we are close to the mystery of fiction as truth, as the best medium for conveying truth! There are many science-fiction books that, in their syntax (the logic of their language), maintain the fiction/reality dichotomy. But now all that is breaking down and seeds of a new genre are sprouting. You can catch wind of it in Fex and Coo or Not In My Nightmare. Such is Owl Man’s lecture on the Quantum Scribe:

I'm thinking about what I want to call the quantum scribe. This is not something to be reduced to the personal dimension whether in dream mode, authoring mode, or any other mode. It is not the so-called "inner author." No, this is something of another order, similar to how quantum reality is of a different order than what we call ordinary reality. And when we are entangled with one another, then what gets written can alter the other as well. And like contextualization in the quantum world, what gets written in this way alters us, so this in turn alters the impact on others. We must not forget that readers will be entangled as well and they too will be altered by contextualization. What a muddled muddle this becomes! 

This may be the best way to describe now the coming reality. 

One Response to Not In My Nightmare Sc. 5: Twisting!

  1. pacomitchell says:


    That’s a fabulous bit of “quantum reasoning.”

    Thank you.


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